Sunday 12 July 2015

Unique capillary filtration system

Our unique, patented capillary filtration system is able to catch these harmful micro particles, because it filters out particles as small as 0.1 μm. Not only that, but it also filters water and salt out of the lubricant, thereby preventing oxidation and corrosion process. Despite our focus being on microscopic filtration, the capacity of our system is far from microscopic. Before a replacement filter is required, the Europafilter will trap up to 1755 g of micro particles, up to 3 litres of water or a combination of both. We are dedicated to reducing our collective impact on the environment, so it will come as no surprise that our system is completely chemical-free. The Europafilter has been designed to help the environment stay as fresh/non polluted and productive as your oil.

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